Looking for Dad

Looking for Dad

Tony’s pup Joji (previously featured). This shot was taken from an excavated area 4-5 feet lower that where the dog is, allowing me to get that ground-level shot without having to get ground level. I also felt that the color stripping gave a more emotive feel than the color version.

Crop, Velvia vision (for dynamic range), sharpen (focal-blade plugin), Channel mixer (monochrome) and then a mild green filter.


  • Aperture: ƒ/9.5
  • Camera: NIKON D70
  • Focal length: 210mm
  • ISO: 200
  • Shutter speed: 1/250s

Well done!

You clicked the ‘+’! Well done you!

I’ve been wondering if anyone ever clicked that thing, now I know – thanks!

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