My Microwaved Brain

In my last post about my time in ICU and near-death experience as a result of Flu > Pneumonia > ARDS, I made some mention at the end of the article about the delirium caused by the cocktail of drugs that the anaesthetist(s) used to keep me sedated during my 19 days of unconsciousness. This post […]

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This post hasn’t been written for you the reader, but for me the author. I’m writing this to remember, as I have been told that “in 3 to 6 months it will all feel like a dream…”. **WARNING: Some readers may find some of the content/photos disturbing.** Here’s the TL;DR: This August (2014) and September […]

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One way conversation

Today I have decided to disable comments on That is, no new comments will be accepted on new or old posts. Older existing comments will remain. I have toyed with this idea for some time, others have previously considered whether or not to do the same. What triggered my recent decision was reading Khoi Vihn’s […]

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At the end of 2002, after a couple of years dabbling on the internet (beginning with Yahoo! GeoCities in 1999), I wanted to retire my old domain name (for obvious/not-so-obvious reasons) and move to a single-word dot com. I practically went through half the dictionary looking for a relatable word that was available and […]

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My Top 5 Photos of 2012

For the last three years, i’ve published my top 10 photos that I took during the year (see Top-Ten 2009, Top-Ten 2010 and Top-Ten 2011), however with a number of new changes in my personal life, i’ve only managed to publish 47 photos in 2012 so I have had to reduce this year’s list to […]

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My top 10 photos for 2011

In the tradition of the last two years (see Top-Ten 2009, Top-Ten 2010), i’m attempting to round up my top-10 favorite images that were published during the year. This year was dominated by travel photos from Belgium and France, and then New Zealand.

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My top 10 photos for 2010

Following on from last year’s review, I thought I’d end 2010 with a look back at my top-10 favorite images that were published during the year. This year was a less-productive one in terms of the number of photos published (111 to be precise, compared to the 213 in 2008), but interestingly all of the […]

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My top 10 photos for 2009

I probably would have liked to get this done a little closer to the beginning of the year, but it wasn’t until I saw this post on Digital Photography School that I thought I better do something, so here we go:

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Well done!

You clicked the ‘+’! Well done you!

I’ve been wondering if anyone ever clicked that thing, now I know – thanks!

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