
A garden statue in a client’s garden. I take, on average, about 1000 photos a week but because of the nature of most of them (architectural etc) I don’t have that’s suitably interesting to put on this site. Recently I decided that given these unique opportunities to go to different people’s places and houses etc that there is always something interesting to take a photo of. So from now on I am making time, even if it’s only 2 minutes, to seek out the more interesting objects that present themselves.

Velvia Vision (the old standby), Auto contrast, Unsharp Mask, Noise Reduction.


  • Aperture: ƒ/4.8
  • Camera: NIKON D2X
  • Taken: 1 November, 2006
  • Focal length: 150mm
  • ISO: 100
  • Shutter speed: 1/90s

Well done!

You clicked the ‘+’! Well done you!

I’ve been wondering if anyone ever clicked that thing, now I know – thanks!

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