
Well – it is spring here in the Southern Hemisphere, so here is a spring shot of a daffodil taken at the Mt Dandenong summit gardens. This is the first shot I have published that was taken using my new Nikon D700 that I picked up during my recent Hong Kong visit. Thankfully, my favorite lenses still work on the new FX format (my old cameras the D70 and the D2x were DX).

Some LightRoom recovery and balancing. Vignetted and contrast/levels done in PS.


  • Aperture: ƒ/8
  • Camera: NIKON D700
  • Taken: 3 October, 2010
  • Focal length: 150mm
  • ISO: 100
  • Shutter speed: 1/500s

Well done!

You clicked the ‘+’! Well done you!

I’ve been wondering if anyone ever clicked that thing, now I know – thanks!

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