Happy Trails

Happy Trails

While my interest in photography has waned slightly this year with a lack of interesting subject matter, something had to fill the void. For me it was mountain biking, after the purchase of a new bike at the beginning of the year I have been riding religiously almost every weekend and sometimes in between.

One of the reasons it’s so addictive for me is that I am lucky to live 5 minutes from one of the better MTB tracks in New Zealand. I still remember my first ride through the ferns thinking this way the best way to get fit – having fun and amongst nature.

I finally took the camera (the D70 – not the D2X) along for a sedate ride, but being limited to my tiny 50mm f1.4 lens meant I couldn’t capture the trail as good as I wanted.

Shot using three bracketed exposures – hand-held, converted to TIFF and HDR created in PhotoMatix, Levels, Curves, Sharpening, Dogde & Burn and Vignette in Photoshop. The EXIF is missing due to HDR conversion – I am looking into editing it.

Big things are on the way with this website. A new design, return of the ‘blog’ and much more dependant on circumstances. So stay tuned – subscribe to the feed.


  • Camera: Œ

Well done!

You clicked the ‘+’! Well done you!

I’ve been wondering if anyone ever clicked that thing, now I know – thanks!

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